I also appreciate the effort you’re taking to make sure that your mod is compatible with Sponge - I think that’s a huge step in the right direction to solving some of the fundamental compatibility issues with Forge mods. Don’t have a mod-id.admin permission for everything you think is admin worthy - use sub-permissions to allow the user to make that decision for themselves. If you have a permission node that is used for anything other than a single permission, break it up into subgroups. I personally use for the base permission of the command, but feel free to use whatever you’d like so long as it has the same effect. By giving a subject mand, they will also receive that administrator permission because it’s under the same group. Some mods have a permission structure such as mand and -admin-perm.

Sponge does not use wildcard ( *) permissions.

This plugin has helped me so much making Venture craft. Once that is done you can select the group and make groups and set permissions for each world. You should then group related permissions together so it follows a logical pattern and allows users to give permissions for an entire group easily. This mod makes making permissions simple All you need to do is find the nodes for that plugin you want, then type/copy and paste them in the program. All permissions for your plugin should start with your mod id to minimize conflicts with other mods. You can take a look at the permissions docs to get an understanding of how permissions work in Sponge fundamentally, but I’ll reiterate two of the main points and add a third of my own below. How To Use Minecraft Permissions Ex 1.12. how do i do that it will run on the specific player 'scoreboard players add selector anticrop 1' i mean, i need to do that if a player is standing above farmland block it will add him 1 score for anticrop. SpongeForge takes care of that conversion, which is just one of the reasons why the Sponge API is compatible (mostly ) with Forge. execute a detect -1 minecraft:farmland 1.